TCP/IP Utilities

  • Telnet - Provides a virtual terminal or remote login across the network. The remote server must be running a Telnet service for clients to connect.
  • Tracert - By sending out ICMP packets, it determines the path taken by a data packet to reach it’s destination and can help determine at what point a network connection is now longer active.
  • WINIPCFG - Displays current TCP/IP configurations on the local workstation for Windows 9x computers.
  • IPCONFIG - IPCONFIG displays the TCP/IP configuration on the Windows NT computers. The /all switch will display more in depth configuration information. The /release and /renew options can be used to update DHCP settings.
  • FTP - Used for transferring data across a network from a server to a client.
  • PING - Uses ICMP to verify a connection to a remote host by sending echo requests and "listening" for replies.
  • FTP - Stands for File Transfer Protocol and is a method of transferring files between 2 machines.
  • NSLOOKUP - This utility is used to enter a host name and find out the corresponding IP address and is often used for troubleshooting DNS problems. Reverse lookups can also be performed.

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