Troubleshooting Windows Issues

This section will discuss some of the more common Windows errors and how to resolve them:
  • Windows Protection Errors - This typically is caused by the type or speed of the RAM installed in the system.
  • Bad or Missing COMMAND.COM - This means that the OS is unable to locate the file COMMAND.COM. To fix this problem use the make sure that the necessary boot files are located on the hard drive. If not, boot with the startup disk and enter the command SYS C:\ which will copy the system files to the hard drive(Windows 9x only).
  • HIMEM.SYS not loaded - Check the CONFIG.SYS file and make sure that the line Device=C:\HIMEM.SYS exists and that the path specified to the file is where the file actually is.
  • Error in CONFIG.SYS line XX - This error is usually caused by a syntax error in the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file where XX will be the line number that the error occurred.
  • Operating system not found - A common cause of this error is booting a system with a non-bootable floppy in the floppy drive. It can also be caused by missing boot files. To correct this, boot with the startup disk and enter the command SYS C:\ which will copy the system files to the hard drive(Windows 9x only).
  • General Protection Faults(GPF) - Can be caused by software or hardware. GPFs can be caused by damaged core files which may need to be replaced or by a corrupt registry which can be restored from backup. They can be caused by running an application that is not designed for the operating system you are using. The Dr Watson utility will write information about these errors to DRWATSON.LOG which can be viewed for more information.
  • Illegal Operation - Usually caused when 2 or more application attempt to use the same memory space. Incorrectly installed applications and software bugs. Try reinstalling the application and if the errors persist, check with the software vendor for patches/updates to the software.
  • System locks up - Typically, this is caused by an application that is hung and can be corrected by ending the task. To end a task press CTRL + ALT + DEL and find the application that is not responding. ALT + F4 can also be used to close active windows. In Windows NT/2000 the CTRL + ALT + DEL or CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys can be used to access Task Manager.
  • Application will not start - Make sure that the file that is executed has a .EXE, .BAT or .COM extension. If attempting to run the application from a shortcut, make sure in the shortcut properties that the path to the application is correct.

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