Depending upon the ways the data can be handled, computers are basically classified into three categories

(a) Analog
 (b) Digital
 (c) Hybrid

But the digital computers can further be categorized depending upon the the purpose they do and based on their size and performance. The exhaustive classification tree of computers can be defined as below:

Types of computers according to the data they handle or process

(a)        Analog Computers :

Analog computers are those computers in which data or number is represented in the form of continuously varying physical quantities such as pressure, temperature, voltage,current etc.
Analog computers measure things.
Application areas : Speedometer of a car, Gasoline pump etc

    (b)    Digital Computers :

 Digital computers are those computers that solves problems by operating on discrete data (numeric data) representing variables by performing arithmetic and logical processes on data from a stored program.
Digital computers count things.
Application areas : home, educational institutions, office, scientific fields, business etc.

(C)        Hybrid Computers :

 Hybrid computers are analog computers controlled by digital computers instead of human beings.
Application areas : Hospitals, Meteorology Department etc

Types of Digital computers according to the purpose they are used for

1)      Special purpose computers:

 They are designed to do single specific task. The programs or instructions to carry out the specific task are permanently stored in the machine. For Example – computer for military application or purpose, computers at billing counter in malls etc.

2)      General purpose computers:

 They are designed to solve wide variety of problems having different set of inputs. For Example – computers for banking, sales analysis etc.

Types of Digital computers according to the size and performance

1)      Embedded computers :

Embedded computers are designed to be used within the circuitry of appliances such as television, washing machine, refrigerator, bike etc

2)      Microcomputers :

Microcomputers are designed to be used by single user for performing basic operations like educational activities, playing games. These are mainly used in homes, offices, shops, school etc.

            Microcomputers have the following three basic categories

i)            Programmable Computers or Personal Digital Assistant or PDA:

They are designed to carry out day to day task related to sharing or exchange of information by connecting to desktop computers regardless of location. They are used as notepads and address book.

ii)           Laptop or Desktop or Notebook or Personal Computers:

    They are designed to carry out our day to day personal task. They are          used in business and at home.

iii)         Workstations:

They are similar to personal computers but have greater memory and processing capabilities. They are generally used in industrial, business and in a scientific environment that requires high levels of computational abilities.

           3)    Minicomputers :

                  Minicomputers are more powerful computers than microcomputers in terms of                    processing power and capabilities. They are generally multi-user systems.

          4)    Mainframe computers:

                 Mainframe computers are designed to handle large volumes of data and                              information. They are multi-user and multi-processors systems.

5)    Super Computers :

       Super computers are designed to be used for doing extremely complicated                         computations, that also in minimum possible time. They are the fastest, the largest             and most expensive digital computers available today. They are best used in Weather         forecasting, Nuclear Science, Aerodynamic modelling etc.
       PARAM series by CDAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) and                    (Processor for Aerodynamic Computation and Evaluation) by ANURAG (Hyderabad              based Advanced Numerical Research and Analysis Group) are supercomputers                    produced by India.

 Thank You!

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